Friday, September 5, 2008

Mark mentioned my blog had a sad nature. I don’t want to come across as a nostalgic person, so I will try to write differently. (Suddenly I had a strange feeling in my stomach). What should I write about? (Long wait trying to get some ideas). Brandon emailed from London missing New York. I will be traveling to Bolivia in a week. This is boring. I will write my wish list for the weekend: getting a massage, brush my hair, wake up late, have brunch with friends, buy a cool pair of shoes and other autumn/winter clothes, go to a street market, pet a dog, listen to the entire Magic Flute opera, pretend to read the newspaper and walk from the Upper West Side to Chinatown stopping just to eat a vanilla/chocolate cupcake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

siempre visitando, tengo es que linkearte de nuevo pankekera.