Saturday, April 10, 2010

Writing while tipsy is not the smartest thing to do, but I'll give it a try. It's 3:00 a.m. and I drank a bottle of white wine almost by myself (I had some help from Andrea and Maria). I've been going through old hard drives looking for the pictures I took at my grandmother's house. In particular I'm looking for a set of pictures I took of the things left behind in her closet; shoes and dresses that even if dusty and forgotten are somehow beautiful. Instead, I found a full picture repertoire of the characters and events from the last eight years. Images from the time when I was married, when I was ten kilos overweighed, jobless, working as a documentary producer and living in Astoria with Yolis and Agatha. We sometimes forget how many paths we've been through, but truth is I am all those people, all those experiences, all those phases. The constant is the need to understand myself as a way to relate to others. I found a self-portrait taken in my room, most likely on a night just like this one, half-drunk and very thoughtful. It's funny how everything changes and yet remains the same.

1 comment:

Paloma Campos said...

"It's funny how everything changes and yet remains the same"
A veces siento que hay mucha gente que se esfuerza tanto en ser diferente y auténtica cuando en realidad al final no importa. ¿Qué es ser auténtico? ¿qué es ser original?
Ni siquiera creo que muchas personas alcancen trascender más allá de dos generaciones.
Existencialistas como Sastre creían que la existencia se reduce a la nada. Yo creo que la única forma de lograr la trascendencia es hacer algo propositivo, hacer realmente la diferencia, destacar y brillar en lo que uno hace más que el promedio de la gente. Ni siquiera hay que ser un genio, simplemente se debe lograr impactar en la comunidad.