Thursday, May 21, 2009

I'm in the kitchen writing down a wish list of at least 100 things I want to to. I'm supposed to let ideas flow without any constraints on whether they will be possible to achieve or not. A mouse is spying me from below the oven and I pretend not to see him, I don't want to scare him. Writing this list is harder than I thought. I start to search for old poems on my iPhone, The Road Not Taken comes first, then I jump to Whitman to finish with Annabel Lee. I take a bite of my ham and melted swiss sandwich, and play a 90's song on my phone while I decidedly continue with the so-called list. Trips, classes, new languages, lots of love, some discipline, my own business, a life filled with art and dance, family, health, the perfect job, time to spare. By item #56 I start being repetitive, now a trip to Turkey leads me to drinking a coffee at a coffee shop in Beirut, and from there I jump to participating in a film production. Suddenly I go back to a recent comment left on my blog that still strikes me: What are you planning Brenda? What is there beneath the surface? The truth is I don't know. It's not what you have, but what you do with it that counts. I stop writing and take another bite of my sandwich before it is too cold.

1 comment:

beatriz said...

Brenda, me estoy acordándo de ti. Apenas recibí hoy el libro de Twyla Tharp que vi en tu casa y compré usado en Amazon (pero a través de una compañía distinta que lo mandó por correo regular). Se tardó tanto en llegar, pensé que ya se había perdido en el caos del correo mexicano. enfin, lo tengo ahora aquí y me acordé de ti. Te mando besos.
Ah y me encanta tu blog. Este post me gustó mucho.
b. (la otra b)