Monday, November 2, 2009

Lindsey is doing yoga on the floor between our beds. I haven't gone to the gym for a while, and snacking between coffee breaks won't help me fit on those skinny jeans waiting at my closet. Today was a good work day and I hope it will keep this way for the entire week. I love making connections, so bringing activists and radio producers from across Latin America to share their experiences and find ways to collaborate with us and between them makes me very happy.
For anyone that is not from Latin America it might be hard to distinguish the cultural differences between regions and countries. For some people we all speak Spanish, practice Catholicism, eat rice and beans, and play music really hard; regardless if you come from the Andes, the Amazon, Patagonia, Central America or northern Mexico. I guess it's the same way my mom thinks about Asia, for her it's very hard to distinguish any difference between Asian countries. Colombia is my favorite from all the Latin American countries I've been to. Even when there is something unique and special about Bolivia, it is Colombia where I could move to right away. It's hard to explain, but there is something about its people that resonates with me, that makes me feel both comfortable and excited. It may be the way they talk, their style, or just the way they dance. For food, I'll have to stick with Mexico.


larguisisimoetcetera said...

breeenda! tssss.
recuerdo la noche que estabamos viendo Lost, que estabas enfermita pensando en que no tendrías fines de semana en mucho tiempo, bastantes países, bastantes hitorias, que chido ir conectando con tanta gente y tantas formas de vida.

abrazos para aaaaaallllaaaaa!

Juan said...

Nomas pa decirte que soy un asiduo lector de tu Blog, y me gusta mucho tu estilo...
Hasta pronto en NY!