Monday, October 26, 2009

I have a new boss starting today, and being jetlagged as I am makes it impossible to show any positive energy or ideas. I’m trying to smile to sidetrack any attention to my red-watery eyes. If worst comes to worst, having just returned from Italy makes it worth giving a bad first impression. How are you supposed to get back to everyday life after a good trip? How to adequate your travel learning into your everyday life? How to keep that glow you brought for a longer period than the time it takes to unpack? How to get used to American coffee after all those early cappuccinos and afternoon espressos? Where to find real fresh mozzarella? I was impressed by Rome and by the experience of an ancient, aged city, although I prefer Paris (and the French), it’s personality, the feel to it and how it connects with the new movements (at least on film and music). We walked around the city without any plans. By the time Victor and I got tired of tourists, we left for Florence to stay with Pili and Massimo. Florence was much more than the sightseeing, it was having long conversations at night about our family, the meaning of life, extraterrestrial contact, and religion. One night we spent a few hours looking through old photo albums: the goodbye party when they moved to Italy more than 30 years ago, their trips and the stories around them (Pili and Massimo were in India when my father died), and snapshots of all of us when we shared a family life at my grandparents house.

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