Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Periodically I receive an e-mail from Understating Men, a self-help group intended for women to learn what men look for in women, and more precisely to understand why they are single. A few years ago my friend Sol took me to a conference on the topic and the only thing I can remember, besides the strange feeling of analyzing dating through a Gantt chart, is that men have a natural attraction to healthy long hair. Is this why we are sold all these products for shinny, silky hair? Apparently hair is a fertility thermometer. My friends are divided into two groups: the married ones and those who secretly wish to attend a workshop to understand love and relationships.

I've been sick for four days and I’ll be traveling for a month leaving on Friday, so I need to get better before then. Getting sick in New York is never fun; always makes you homesick. Nevertheless this time was not too bad as I spent the weekend with Diego, Capuchi and Oscar without leaving the apartment, only for a couple of hours on Sunday to practice tightrope walking in the park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure than men feel natural attraction to long healthy hair since most of them are turning into bald guys before they are 25!! hahaha!

I should have gone to that meeting sooner... I always used to have short hair, meaning........ not very lucky with sex. Luckily my hair is long for the first time in years. This could be a good year :-)