Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm sick at home today.  After taking an afternoon nap I'm ready to watch Raging Bull which I haven't seen before. My friend Victor (Capuchi) came to visit, and while I write this he finishes the designs for his new t-shirts. He is trying to start his own business, and I should be doing the same thing, the problem is I have too many ideas. Too many options and too many choices makes it too hard to decide.  My friend Paula was always overwhelmed by the number of orange juice choices in American supermarkets.  What overwhelms me is digital photography and being able to take hundreds of pictures; I was happier with the limited, but precisely selected 24 images.  
Capuchi is still working on his designs while I'm chasing a fly that is trying to sit on my bed.  I wonder how does a fly's memory works since it can't remember that I almost killed it with the electricity bill while trying numerous times to land on my comforter.  I tried looking for "memory of a fly" on the internet but Wikipedia doesn't know the answer. It sounds like a good name for a play.

1 comment:

Dare Devil Pancakes said...

Diego says: (9:54:56 PM)
Las moscas no tienen lo que nosotros los humanos llamamos ¨memoria¨. Son insectos que tienen un sistema nervioso descentralizado que reacciona y es estimulado por lo que los rodea.  Son mas como robots programados para encontrar la manera mas eficaz de sobrevivir.