Saturday, July 5, 2008

I'm tired of long distance relationships and having to be on the phone with nothing to say, just to feel a little bit closer. I get cranky about almost everything, and my boyfriend demands things that just makes it worst (like asking me to call the Financial Times at 12:34 AM on Sunday).

I spent all afternoon (after a 3-hour brunch, doing my laundry and getting a foot massage), going through old pictures and selecting the best ones for my portfolio. I found bits and pieces from my last 6 years in New York (which I'm uploading to Facebook). Sometimes it's necessary to go through old files and measure yourself against what you were, to see more clearly what you've become.

1 comment:

Summer said...

you said in one of your post that you invited friend to visit your blog, but you didn't invite me...
does that makes me not your friend?
i read almost all your post
is fun to read you again